Monday, July 18, 2022

And So It Begins...

Another new chapter of life has begun in the life of this Ordinary Aussie Woman...

I have found, when youth has passed and you feel life should be both comfortable and reliable, a new chapter is not the most easiest to embrace with grace and courage.

But alas in truth, people and the world don't seem to change very much or very often, so I am sure you can relate to the fact that even when we feel entitled to enjoy our middle or latter years, we're forced to embrace yet another new chapter...oh how at times such as this I miss my youthful, excitable and optimistic youth...

What does embracing a new chapter of life gracefully and courageously look like for you?

For me once the period of grief has passed, the three main keys of a new chapter are: goal setting, routine and boundaries.

Goal Setting: I personally need to feel as if my days are counting towards a greater goal which is a part of my new chapter. I have recently begun study to work towards a a Masters in Counselling. While my new life chapter is both beginning and unfolding, I feel this goal will help give my life more focus and meaning each day.

Routine: As a creative person I can really struggle to maintain healthy routines as spontaneous ideas will often take precedence and I honestly can't bear a mundane lifestyle. Yet routine is good for me in times such as a new life chapter. So I've been implementing strategies to help me maintain a healthy, weekly routine which includes study, work, parenting and self-care. Routine really helps me battle laziness and procrastination!

Boundaries: I believe empathetic people can struggle with boundary setting and keeping, as their hearts can be so easily swayed. Yet boundaries are really important for our own mental health and wellbeing. I used to think boundaries were inflexible rules, yet I have found I have been able to embrace and implement them better once I began to view my boundaries as my own integral, personal standards. I was able to better understand the worth of boundaries once I was able to better comprehend my own worth as a unique and special woman.

I know the road ahead will be both challenging and full of unexpected surprises, yet I am determined to keep moving forward in hope...

And so it begins...a new chapter of life for me working towards my Masters in Counselling, as the grief of losing my marriage has passed. A new chapter being embraced with all the grace and courage I can muster due to my faith in Jesus who always remains faithful!

Would love to hear your thoughts on embracing new chapters in grace and courage,

love Melanie.

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