Saturday, September 17, 2022

Being Present & Truly Listening

In a time-poor, fast paced, day and age, taking the time to listen to someone else, and I mean honestly listening to them without any other agenda or distractions, without trying to fix them, educate or blame them, can feel like a scarcity.

Doesn't it feel at times, our societies have so much in quantity, yet we’re lacking so much quality in our personal interactions?

How many of us have the latest phones yet don’t spare the time to look up and genuinely connect?

A movement of change though can start with one person and can spread as a positive contagion, so don’t give up! Never underestimate the gift of yourself – you can be an amazing gift to another person – simply your presence, time, and effort to truly listen is of immense worth.

I encourage you to take some time out of your day to reach out to someone else and simply have a genuine conversation.

I also encourage you to choose someone else whom you will not gain anything from, other than the conversation itself and when you do talk, try your best to be present, giving your full attention and truly listen.

You could truly change someone’s day, week, or more!

Choose wisely and reach out.

Remember, truly listening to someone else is both a choice and privilege. 

To listen can be a challenge, for to truly listen one must give their whole self with intent and the gift of their presence and time.

When listening we are not always listening to someone’s words, but hopefully their heart and the meaning and behind the words. 

True listening is at times silence and listening in-between when no words are spoken out loud. 

A wise person listens first and speaks second, they measure their words whereas a fool does not. 

True listening is a gift to someone else and we can develop our skill in this through practice!

Love is not always shown in words or actions – so reach out, show up, be intentionally present and gift yourself to someone else to change their day!

Be kind, Melanie.

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